Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Thought of the day: The spiritual function of temperature. I walked outside my apartment building on the Near North Side this morning and was gently greeted by the coolest morning I can remember since moving here in June. It was only Sunday that my wife and I were weighed down by a 97 degree summer day at Union Station after riding back from Grand Rapids, and since then we've hardly wanted to move off the couch near our fiercely battling air conditioner on the 18th floor. But the tenderness of the atmosphere this morning was refreshing, and not just physically. I remember my mom saying she just felt like a different person after we got central air in our house--before that, she felt like she was moving in slow motion in the sweltering summer heat. Indeed, my mood this morning was altered just by stepping outside and feeling the 70 degrees against my face and seeing the aqua of the sky. Temperature is more than just environment, I think. It can shape the soul.

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