Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Recent cartoons in the New Yorker (8/30):

- Girl to playmates: "I have to be getting back--I'm the glue that holds my parents' marriage together."

- Squirrel calling to squirrel on top of park bench: "Try to remain calm. I'm going to talk you down."

- General to victim standing before firing squad: "You will notice that we are represented by troops from many nations."

Plus, I meant to post these from last summer but never did:

- Man to dancers: "Damn it, Persky! I ask you for a fiercely choreographed rite of destruction and rebirth, and you give me a febrile study of dehumanized angst!" (6/30) (Was this lifted from this review?)

- Two doctors in waiting room, one standing passively w/arms folded, other hunched forward, eyes wide, arms out. "What'll it be, Mrs. Waltham--stolid workmanship or nervy brilliance?" (5/26)

- Parents congratulating graduate: “When I think of the as yet undreamed-of loopholes that are going to be available to you guys!” (6/2)

- Pickup truck driver to passenger: "That's a good question, Clint. I don't know if my gun rack is an authentic regionalism or just a macho affectation." (3/31)

- Dinner guest introducing companion to company: "Jim is a good old-fashioned modernist." (3/31)

- Burglars examining enormous SUV: "No radio, but there is an orchestra pit." (3/31)

More in my B&C blog

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