Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Latest Doings
I'm teaching (some of) the writers of tomorrow in my English 101 course. We have a class weblog up at

I hope to have announcements soon about a weblog for the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, where I'm newly employed...

... and the return of Inflections.

In the meantime, enjoy the redesigned website for CICW:
Word OriginsMy latest Tribune column:
On the new book Word Origins and How We Know Them.,1,3402114.story
Quote I heard and need to retrieve: Kierkegaard said we "tranquilize ourselves with the trivial."
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I felt wimpy earlier this week when a driver wearing a Mennonite bonnet passed me on the highway. I guess I had always equated pacifism with passivity ...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

map of BoliviaMy latest Tribune column:
On the Chipaya, a remote tribe in Bolivia that speaks a unique language.,1,6224749.story

(Chipaya is near Oruro, south of LaPaz.)